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I will provide you with information, knowledge, resources, emotional and physical support.

-I am here to hold your hand and guide you through the pre natal stages among any big or small challenges that may arise.

-Post partum support ; includes meals, books and lots of emotional / physical support for you and bub enabling rest so you can connect with your baby and partner in the most precious times-Loving, gentle company accompanied by knowledge and insight in these special, vulnerable days



My primary role as your Doula will be to provide: 


  • Education to help you make confident birth choices

  • Continuity of support and care

  • Advice on good nutrition and stretching 

  • Suggest different labour and birthing positions

  • Provide natural pain relief methods

  • Reassurance and encouragement with positive affirmations

  • Breathing and relaxation techniques

  • Working through emotional blocks as they present

  • Maintain the special “birthing environment

  • Massage and acupressure points

  • Support for the birth partner so they can take a break without feeling guilty or anxious

  • Help you to prepare a simple but effective birth plan

  • Take photos when appropriate (if it is not impacting on my role to support you as your Doula)

  • Extensive resources and library

  • Email and phone support

Pre natal and post partum package

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